Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day.** may, about one o`clock and to *mi am \"lying\" my site is https://*.*.*, which is just a couple of days ago was transferred to you.Tried to come at it from different places, but the result remained the same, if I am not mistaken \"*\".Now the site is running and available. I would like to know the reason for such a situation, which occurred at night. Honestly, to me it is very important that the uptime is consistent with the stated **.*%.Thank you.


the problem with  please do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - copy here in the ticket

If You experience difficulty, review the instructional videos http://ded**.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Well. Next time if this happens again, be sure to make a tracing and send.

Thank you for contacting our support team.


from your domain are wrong DNS

problem may be in them

Question: Good evening.Sorry. It was my fault. Hosting works perfectly!If I understand correctly, my home IP has been blocked on the hosting. Apparently too frequent was the reference or to mail, or somewhere else with incorrect settings. After reconnecting to my ISP got a new IP and now work fine on your website.The only thing you will be asked to help with the import. sql file *.*.*.*.sql database *Thank you.

please wait.


database mounted

Question: Thank you. All importalas without problems.Have noticed that on Kapaneli is possible to configure the remote access to the database. If it works tell me, please, the remote access settings: IP, database port.Plan to use the program *.

you staticheskie ip?


remote database access You must be static IP address, which we will add in the trusted,  then You will be able to connect.

Question: Yes, I use remote access on a machine with a static IP: **.***.**.**

ip attached to razreshennye

Question: Tried connect to the server: ***.***.***.* port ****.The answer is: \"Host***.***.*.*.*MySQL*\".
Question: Maybe I`m on the wrong server trying to preconnects?

please Check now.

Question: Thank you. All right. The access is.

Thank you for contacting our support team.

Question: And thank you for your promptness and for having helped to solve important questions for me.

Thank you for contacting our support team.

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