Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good rain in the evening.Vlucht whether weasel * for Apache.Website for test - http://*.**.testforhost.*/Thank you

Hello. php in apache mode mod possible only on vps https://www.ukrline.com.ua/tarif_vps.php

Question: Yes, TSE is good, but I want probuvati iz Tsikh pacetv https://*.ukrline.*.*magento.rstut also got pracowali Magenta? Yes, M*. pracovali Shvidko I stable, but I hotw bi probuvati.Can podivitis, whether weasel - http://*.**.testforhost.*/In the logs, so pomilka: /**.*: *Thank you.

please specify have you done any tuning of the engine?

if you have error *** from htaccess you need to remove php_value and php_flag / these lines only work in the apache mod

Question: Hi, godnic nilestown not Robin. Rozganov through cPanel. OK, probuy piedavati * ABO rearranged. If you can popraviti zi two side dwellers website zapratsavau, Bulo b Chudovo. Thank you.

*** error because of file .htaccess, you need to check the Directive. I salmeterol all php_flag and php_value, but the error is still there. If you rename the file .htaccess then there is a redirect from a test domain.

Question: There je sche folder pub there I has ye .htaccess there, so what`s the problem.I waiau scho the problem is this: order allow,deny deny from all = *.*> Require all denied I popcru TSE.Sche odne power - ВЄ access through school? Pracovat s Magenta * sssh perhaps not.


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Question: Skoda((Then TSE is not showsm truth https://ukrline.*.*magento.rrno not wide the upgrade yourself. Magenta, staviti model Chi those without access to school.Thank you for your time.

ssh access only for existing accounts and only the key

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