Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Where can I find a account Management the user have to give the right to install the engine ?
Question: I wrote this oshibku when you install engine:Cannot connect to MySQL server!MySQL*: *user****`@`localhost*: *)


You have created the database and database user, but not attached that user to the database, so it gives an error. We attached, check amps. now.

Question: thanks, have installed and how you attached? and after ustanovki engine but it won`t open the site http://**.***.*handle*.HTTP* ***

how to create a database:


Question: For the info thank you! https://*.era.host*.html why is the website not working?


utochnyat that you set? you have an error

PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /*gothic*/*index.php on line **


ask any native php version for your website?

Question: I installed the engine *here is the code to be in *.php
Question: $http_home_url*http_home_url );
Question: can I get another engine to put? How do I know what version of php I have?
Question: to download the engine from here:http://*.*/**-*-**-*.html
Question: downloaded*

nuled is a pirated version. pirated versions on hosting shouldn`t be

the php version can be changed in Manele in the menu - choice of php

Question: and why is the website not working?

ask any native php version for your website?

Question: The web server* **.**.*.**The version of the client database: libmysql - *.*.**PHP extension: mysqliДокументация curlДокументация *Documentazione PHP: *.*.**
Question: I do not ponel where to change it and do I need to change the version of PHP?

you will substantial samnite in your version of cpanel  menu - select vresii php

Question: nope, doesn`t help, changed all vercie starting with *,**,**,**, * shows the characters and *,* to *,* because it is not available, change the engine if no more Soviets(

changed the version where they were \"characters\" we look

Question: changed

this is a license script?&as you egazaryan?

Question: I installed the engine showed above the link to download and uploaded database to the server La*, I don`t think the server is stopping the site

you hotjet hosting to put LA* server?

Question: on the hosting to put the website for La* the server and the server itself to put on the hosting where you can install your server. And that would podkluchatsa to the database via your hosting. Not sure I`m doing correctly but I`m just learning.

the engine that you put it pay?

Question: no, but with the engine? I have just a website is not working

the engine this is the website

Question: anyways, a lot of questions but good fucking - like shamans, just ask the questions

D file error_log is the error entry

 PHP Warning:  Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value;  If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of reset().  If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file.  However, future versions may not support this any longer.  in /*gothic*/*index.php on line **

One of the articles on this subject *********/php-warning-call-time-pass-by-reference-has-been-deprecated



when talking about the engine ***-stressweb-**-nulled.html the website EON hacked we don`t work with the hacked engine. in the case of a complaint, its all the same you will have to remove

** the developers.  You can download and install the official script.

Question: why would I buy even if the crack not work???

the crack may be misspelled and because of this does not work


in addition to the requirements written there mod-apache / probably doesn`t work and because of this. can offer You then VPS server

Question: and what are the prices of VPS servers?


you can also order a free test.

you need to register an account

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