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Question: Zdrasvuite,there is one question why is not working and will not turn on remote access to mysql servers?

Hello, describe your problem in more detail.

Question: when you create or change a database cannot be enabled for remote user access, if the connection has an error host*ip*

inform how and where you connect.

Question: until then, everything worked,and the server ip changed
Question: from Moldova, *.**.**.** connect to the server **.***.**.*** and port ****

report the ip which is connecting to a database


please Check now.

Question: one of the Fe *.**.**.**

Check the connection, the ip damauli 

Question: not connected,when you try on remote access says \"wybranego server is not enabled remote access\"

you have a static ip?


Ask You now connect with *.**.**.**?

Inform your IP, you can read it on the page https://www.era.host/ru/*ip.php

Question: Yes the ip is static,now there is not *.**.**.**maybe on the server **.***.**.*** not on remote access for mysql?earlier on the server ***.***.***.*** all worked on hurrah

the ip *.**.**.** added to trusted check

Question: and if you need another ip to connect.

You will need soobshil us a new IP.

are You can adjust at the rate of a VPS where You will have ssh access and be able vydate or saptashati access opredelennym ip

please familiarize yourself with the tariffs on VPS


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