Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Please provide me with a test VPS on period * of the day.


Specify the purpose of testing and exactly how you will conduct the test. What you place on the server after testing? What will be the theme of the site?

Question: The purpose of the test verification of software for *d rendering. Website test not going. Need to download the software and check the performance whether to use the full potential of iron.
Question: I need RDP.

For this purpose I think You more suitable for our Cloud VPS.

This is our new service.


the Test period there is not, but in principle the * day we can provide You with the server testing.

Question: Yes that would be good.

expect a Good amp. the server is configured, will be ready within the hour.

Question: OK. Thank you!

check amps. what rate do You need?

Question: The invoice States the VPS*

Okay wait please.

Question: Thank you very much!

Thank you for choosing our hosting company, success in testing.

the Server will be active till tomorrow, to **.**

Question: As the result, it was found that iron is not quite suitable for my desired goal (problem *). Generally sorry and thanks again!

as far As I understand You need a server with mashinoy graphics card for processing *d. For this you need a dedicated server with mashinoy graphics card.

Question: Dada. But not the essence of the power of the graphics card. Enough good processor. But there must be at least onboard graphics card with * *.* and above. You have the same *.* and there is no possibility to update the driver for the built-in.

To the coolant. the data server was designed a bit on other tasks :(

Question: Yes, I understand. Thank you!

Thank you for contacted the support, have a nice day.

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