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Question: Hello! question: how to connect to mysql through a Mysql client or Manager * ? I wrote an http://*.*** I understand the need to allow access from my IP ? How to do it if so


Report the IP which is connecting, the IP must be static.

Question: ***.***.***.*** IP static

You Have a VPS turn into a Brainy tune databases, remote connection

Question: I can`t find this item((

You need to go to the user section of the database


Question: But if I`m sitting under * user?

Under root only a few Brainy then You go to the user


Question: Got it! And it is now possible those data which are in * users to flip I created user databases? Only import?

ask about what data is about, domains and databases you want to add user in the control panel Brainy

Question: Decided everything. Thank you!

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