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Question: Hello,Already the 2nd day when trying to log in admin sites is displayed like: \"\"http://usefuladvice.ru\" prompts for user name and password. The website reports: \"login xxxxx password xxxx\"\"Enter username and password - window \"authentication Required\" just scrolls and no effect.Please help.


the link http://usefuladvice.ru/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fusefuladvice.ru%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1 no pop-UPS no. As you enter in admin area?

Question: Using ADR. period gaining http://usefuladvice.ru/wp-login.php and http://usefuladvice.ru/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fusefuladvice.ru%2Fwp-admin%2Findex.php&reauth=1 and tried http://usefuladvice.ru/wp-admin and http://usefuladvice.ru/wp-admin/index.php

On the specified link we can see the login page in the admin panel, no Windows is not showing.

Question: Clear. Do not tell me what I should try to make the window disappear?
Question: I have time already such was about half a day, but then all by itself was eliminated.

Try to clear the browser cache.

Question: Tried to log into admin using the 2nd PC and the laptop - same story.

When the water in the window of login and password the login window appears?

Question: Popping up a window over your browser \"\"http://usefuladvice.ru\" prompts for user name and password. The website reports: \"login xxxxx password xxxx\" and previously there was another login window in the browser for a username and password.But even if I try in a new window to enter username and password - this input ignorace.
Question: Most likely, something changed on your server that is experiencing this issue. In \"file Manager\" in the settings and files I have not changed anything. This problem already once occurred, but is then eliminated by itself.

type that is specified in the window. no problem. this protection against bots

Question: I enter the login (I have to word xxxxx) and password(that is admin of the site), but I was not allowed.

of course not allowed, potamu that need enters into this window that are listed in the window. This is NOT your username and password. your username and password you budeet enters to the admin area of the site. and additional authorization you enter it, that there is specified

Question: I was thinking that too, entered the information, but still will not let me. You could remove this protection from bots.

no, we could remove this protection. where do you see this window, and what exactly you were introduced to, what username and what password.

Question: I see a window over your browser. Tried enters the username to log into the hosting (argamak) and tried the passwords for the hosting and here СЃPanel.

login for form - xxxxx

the password for the form - xxxx

 no  argamak and the second. all are listed in the window. We`ve received your information where you see this dialog and what exactly was introduced. specific data please. So we will be able concepts where You went wrong and help to fix the problem. Without this protection, 999% of visits to the site are bots, which will not allow normal visitors to work because it will occupy the connection. the defence adminkey 1000% solves this problem

Question: Happened. I entered xxxxx now and xxxx. But why is the window for protection if the username and password written on the window?
Question: By the way, I thought these xxxxx and xxxx are given as examples.

this is not from the people protection , but bots

Question: Yeah, I guessed it, right after I asked. Thank you for your patience and help!
Answer: Since the issue has been resolved, we are closing this ticket. In case, in Your opinion, an unsatisfactory answer, You can always create a new one or reopen this ticket with my answer.

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