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Question: Tell me how does You system data recovery of the site from the reserve. 1. I`m doing a full backup using the panel. Formed archive backup-7.13.2014_13-12-44_aleks00.tar. 2. After that I panel the names of several folders. 3. The archive file download. 4.Start restore from backup using the files panel. In the result folder, which I renamed not disappear and the old folder does not appear. If you look in the backup file, then folders with the old names exist.Thus, it appears that the reserve I have formed, but not restored. What am I doing wrong? How to restore the reserve.The situation is similar with databases and SQL.

Hello. you cannot poldej restores from backup. this can be done only by the server administrator, because before recovery account Waseda.

Question: Thank you.

you need to restore from your backup?

Question: No thanks. Just wanted to set the roll back to the working version. Thank you. The ticket can be closed


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