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<< Previous       WordPress: on MON was about 1500 records, and now 103

Question: Guys, Wish You Good Health!Help! A few days ago I had about 1500 records, now t - all 103!Most likely because I deleted the plugin feedwordpress for rss channel became inactive and deleting the plugin and deleted all entries...Can exchange bonus services backup here on August 17-18?Thank You In Advance!

Hello. did you do a backup on August 17-18? please specify what exactly did you do? these records are in the database?

Question: Backup did not. Deleted few unnecessary plugins, one of them was feedwordpress, cat. before doing the records from the rss. And after removing the import, all wordpress content, and there were only 103 records (manual cat. lecturing).So, in fact, all the content is stored in the wp-content folder.

when a user is deleted all his records udelyaetsya or what? in the wp-content folder stores files. all records in the database in the table *_post


let the name of the database

Question: Eugene, and you`re right! Most likely it happened because the plugin has created his user and his post (\"Wife-Goddess\"), and when I deleted the plugin, then both the user and all the records...See, the plugin stopped working 1st August (the Creator closed the project), then he was fasting and these records I have, it is better to recover on the 1st of August, will do a General import, then delete the plugin and already export all records.The name of the database through CPanel: altairms_wordpressВ Base looked, there are only 484 posts with the given pacifiers, and those who have gone there.

unfortunately we don`t have bekapa BHA 1 Aug. did you do a backup?

Question: No, I did not. Now I`m going to do.And on what date you have a backup?

we have backups of yesterday and today. backups are done on a weekend

Question: Ie, on 16-17 Aug. do not have backups, right?

unfortunately, no. Have you tried to Restore the database in spanel in section MySQL Database?

Question: So I have a copy of the database from last year, now restore \"will overwrite\" what is now on the site...So it is necessary to constantly do a backup...I know, thank you!Maybe You know, how can public page VK to pump all posts to the site OP?Found this:http://ukraya.EN/162/vk-wp-bridgeНо even tester no...

You can create a backup of the current table before you import. And try to do the import with the addition of records. Regarding importing of the records from the VC we do not know the plugin is paid. Try to perform the import backup the database. Pre-create an empty database, do an export of a working DB, do the import in the duplicate database s in the configuration file specify the name of the duplicate database and perform the try way old records from dump.

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