Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       Problems with the availability of the site

Question: repair-computers-Petrozavodsk.rfv the last time the website very often become inaccessible! For example, is now available! Have you got any works are carried out?


please Do a trace to Your domain: start - run - enter cmd - in the black window enter tracert YOUR DOMAIN - after click to highlight - making enter - skopirovat here in the ticket

If You are experiencing zatrudina, view instructional videos http://ded07.net/helphost/tracert.htm

Question: Tracing route to xn-----8kcgcmbbcu2aipcmpdcddlejkf6ahfh50a8b.xn--p1ai []with the maximum number of jumps 30: 1 4 ms <1 MS 1 ms host [IP] 2 211 ms 46 ms 1 ms ip10-10-205-254.sampo.ru [IP] 3 * 4 ms 1 ms IP 4 42 ms 2 ms 1 ms c6509.sampo.ru [IP] 5 * * 6 ms ip94-143-247-9.sampo.ru [IP] 6 * 11 ms 9 ms spb01.transtelecom.net [IP] 7 * * * timed out for the request. 8 * * * timed out for the request. 9 * 65 ms 62 ms IP 10 170 ms * ms 999 Christinovka completed.Now the site is available! But just today it 3 times was not available. Yesterday 3 times.This information is from Yandex metrics!Please take action or I`ll have to change hosting provider!

Hello, we have taken action and in resulte these measures available. no hosting provider can guarantee the availability of the site with a strong DDoS attack

Question: My site is DDoS attack? Or attack is made on site which is located on the same server?

it is impossible to determine. attack \"garbage\", 5 Bitny traffic garbage bags.

Question: Have the ability to move my domain to my server at the moment is not affected by the attack?

Yes, we can transfer Your account to another server.


Question: Yes please move. At the same time learn on my site the attack comes or not

the attack now

Question: Not the fact that it doesn`t happen again.Let`s fast forward...

during migration, the site may be unavailable.

Question: it took more than a day. please tell me how things are going with the site move?

will notify when we modem to start. we warned You about the possible unavailability but you did not answer about the time of the transfer

Question: now

Details sent to EMAIL

you can change DNS


website moved

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