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Question: Cannot delete a domain redirection in cPanel writes that the redirect is gone,but the transition is redirected

Hello. check what perenapravlenii?

Question: the forwarding address to specify? or what?
Question: a change in perenapravlenie nothing changes

please report specific data about what perenapravlenie, why what is it?

Question: from this site www.89879488358.ru it has been estimated redirect to this website http://spinula.net/buy-mycar_ru/
Question: now can`t change anything

wait, Your issue is being dealt with.

Question: is it possible to do something to restore the settings of the default redirection?

when defined, no redirections no. how did you do the redirect? A 301 redirect?

Question: I went into cPanel -redirect selected type - permanent 301выбрал domain 89879488358.gustavel website in the \"redirects to\"choose Redirect with or without www.нажал add

where you should be redirected?

Question: nowhere,I want to remove and then return all by default

by default, no forwarding no. where you now see any redirect? from where to where you now redirects?

Question: the problem was solved,thanks for the help

thank you, that appealed to customer support.

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