Possible solutions of your questions

<< Previous       The main domain

Question: Finally bought the domain gaspis.giodano, despite the replacement of a domain in ISPManager-e, is still considered the main fake poem43.giono on anything affected? Because I have a bunch of DNS>alasaarela works well. If affected, then where is changing?


In the ISP panel, there is no concept of main domain. All domains are the same.

Question: Well, thank you. Another question:How to get PHP (using ini_set() or .htaccess) in a particular script in a particular folder to start showing errors in PHP code?

in a particular folder will not work  .only General settings for your account.

Question: Well, General, the development time will go, too. Where to change?

please specify what to change

Question: How to enable displaying PHP errors?

You need to enable the display of all errors?

Question: I need to see where clubhand programmers casaceli class description


error_reporting = E_ALL
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = On

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