Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: I can`t configure the website on sub-domain *.*-*.* /Forum is working on a sub-domain is fine. But this fails to configure. Not find the cause, where to look.


How did you install and configure this CMS?

Question: Uploaded in the subdomain. Pre-created the subdomain in cPanel

It`s not configured correctly. In the journal oshibok in your website folder zapisatsa mistakes - look at them.


we see at the message your site

ERROR!!! Real URL: \"/ \" does not match the configuration file settings

this is the message of Your website, not the server. check the settings of the configuration file


Question: Error connecting to database drops. Tell me, do you support the work with database using mysqli extension ?

Yes. of course

Question: Not working created subdomains.http://*.*-*.*http://*demo.*-*.*Loaded on the first ** - any change. It gives an error.

the subdomain itself works, but gives asiku

TYPO* CMS requires PHP *.* or above

requires php version *.*, You seyychas configured *,*. Change the php version for use section in Your cPanel \"Select PHP Ver.\"

Question: * a subdomain of http://*demo.*-*.*OKA s http://*.*-*.*/ - I`ll try another script.Thank you.

Thank you, that appealed to customer support.

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