Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Migrate to Russian servers, please.In addition, is it possible to restore the server sysadmin.online from a backup? There was some kind of mistake.Thank you!

Hello. specify what kind of error is it and when it came

Question: Here is a screenshot of the website: http://prntscr.com/7n2mumОбнаружил today, 2 weeks ago it was not exact.

we don`t have a backup of the prescription in two weeks. we can only migrate as-is to another server

Question: How old a backup you have?

backups are done on weekend sat-sun

Question: There is this error?

if the error was at the time you created the backup then of course it is there

Question: I don`t know she was there or not

when was the last time you saw no error? what changed on the site?

Question: I answered about it above. Since then I have not visited the site.

we can restore website files from backup. let the folder in which the site is located

Question: online

full path please

Question: the online folder in the root directory which full path you need? You can`t go into the directory and see? How many total folders are \"online\" you see on the site?

to eliminate misunderstandings, you must provide complete and accurate information.

the Folder is there? /home/serni/online ?

Question: Write, please, where it is regulated that I should provide information in this form. I`m not a system administrator.Apparently, Yes.

you must provide information in a manner that excludes its ambiguities.  the first time you are told that the folder is in the root.

99.9% of the customers  hosting are not sitemnoe administrators.  If you have any questions you can always contact our technical support. Including to ask the question - how to find the path to the folder.

will Notify when we can start rebuilding.

Question: The second time I said this, but you started to reprimand me that I owe you. What information currently you are missing?

will Notify when we can start rebuilding.

Question: When you need to

please don`t do it now, no changes. we will restore the files from backup. teuma folder is renamed and the saved


fundamentally there is no such folder. folder /home/serni/online  you do not. there is a folder /home/serni/public_html/online / is it?

Question: Probably, Yes. The folder in which lies our sysadmin.online.

moreover, we do not see  any website neither on the domain nor on the subdomain which will work from folder home/serni/public_html/online are you sure that the website runs from this folder? go to the control panel in the menu - additional domains , there you will see which folder your domain. and let us know the folder

Question: And you yourself couldn`t do? 25 emails, about anything..xn--80aikcthwb.xn--80asehdb Home/sisadmin

the files from the specified folder restored from backup. files prezhdnemu folders stored in /home/serni/sisadmin.back


Question: The problem still remained.What backups are there?The initial request was written about the transfer to the Russian server, it is made?

other backups.

will notify when we can start the transfer

during the migration it is not recommended to change nasith because they are not saved. Account perenosit, as is the panel tools. at the end of the transfer  You will be sent new access details, and the NS server which you will need to register in the domain properties. After updating DNS at Your ISP(it takes hours) you can continue working on the website. We recommend you to migrate in the evening, that would be for the night updated DNS

Question: Do I understand correctly that you only do 1 backup per week and then erase the previous one: that is, if the problem occurs 1 hour before the backup, the site has not recovered?!

Yes, you understand correctly. incremental backups and one copy. nobody does backups every hour.

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