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Question: Zdravstvuyte need to change the localization service (to Germany) in my primary domain is long gone (although, I think it`s not critical, right?)I need to pay for hosting, and you then change the location, or you can change me, and then I pay and start to use it?Thank you

Hello. You have no localization. specify the primary domain and when paying specify the localization

Question: well main can do facadeprinter.ohto is, when you pay you can specify localization? there is such a field, or in the note to indicate it should be?thank you

after payment, just create a ticket and specify the desired localization

Question: Zdravstvuyte.ochen paid, please change the primary domain on the facadeprinter.orgi localization of Garmonizacija

Details sent to EMAIL

Question: Thank you
Answer: Since the issue has been resolved, we are closing this ticket. In case, in Your opinion, an unsatisfactory answer, You can always create a new one or reopen this ticket with my answer.

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