Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good danniella days ago tried iostats, acidobasic a few moduleuse rabetaliana tried to open myself Satya, and I Vidette requested page can`t be found.An error has occurred while processing your request.You may not be able to visit this page because of:an out-of-date bookmark/favouritea mistyped addressa search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this siteyou have no access to this Radev than may be the case, do not prompt?Thank you

Hello. where do you see this error?

Question: I was just starting to develop a website on joomla and only a few modules and everything worked. Signedan prowave again appear , but vydalo this message

reinstall the site and not put modot`s just you asked. also, if the installation site consider the fact that the website refers NOT to the folder that you had set when you select a folder, put a blank space   and not joomla3 as you have done now

Question: after You have written your joomla admin Panel not opening. and that means reinstall Satya and not satute the modules? I put the modules menu. as without them?

Your site address http://eu-steroids.com/ or http://eu-steroids.com/joomla3 ??

Question: http://eu-steroids.com/joomla30/
Question: now this message comes:Not FoundThe requested URL /joomla30/administrator/index.php was not found on this server.Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

You don`t have that folder < / span>joomla30, and therefore gives an error.

this folder is in the backup file of Your accounts and is now recovering.

Question: good denino my address was added to bookmark, and previously he always otkryvaetsya.It turns out that I needed to re-open the control panel and install Joomla and then VirtueMart???

Yes, exactly . Your website also     eu-steroids.com not     eu-steroids.com/joomla30

and that the site was opened at the address  eu-steroids.com Filev must be in public_html

Question: If now again утсановкуJoomla,what, still I need to clean it? udacity entire contents of the folder public_html? or somewhere else?

we moreme to recreate your account on the server

Question: if you can make etablerade


Important! when you install joomla stavite the path to the site folder as /

Question: thank you, now I see that the folder public_html ustavot now naichau re-installing joomla 3.4.4 from your control panel Yai that has 2 fields, kotoyre cause doubts.You think about them recalled:1. Select dolnoslaska, select the domain to install the software.(here I have the default entered: eu-steroids.com)2. In Directorycatalog regarding your domain and it should not exist. ie For installation on http://mydomain/dir just type dir. For installation only http://mydomain/ leave the field blank. (here I have the default entered: joomla30)and leave?

leave blank.

joomla30 delete if not hotjet what would the site address was http://eu-steroids.com/joomla30


Question: joomla successfully utsanovlennoy posmotert right now and can prodeath setup and usanovka component joomshopping? spastic Eugene

Yes, the site works . and work to the right place http://eu-steroids.com


Question: thanks again Evgenika don`t quite understand the concept of FTP server but I think later ponadobitsya. after all, I can do the site if the mode is off and you can see result work, then you will need to upload files via FTP to the public_html? Or not understand correctly?

Yes, the root site folder - public_html

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