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Question: http://kot-bez-zabot.ru/uxod_za_koshkoi/gigiena_i_uxod_za_koshkoi.phpВот in fact, issued these pearl. And when in utf 8 remain the same. Actually.


Hello. your page text to UTF-8? and in the properties of the pages specify charset=windows-1251

on the page there should be only one encoding.


Question: Hello =) I`m trying to keep in win-1251, as before, as always, but the system persistently offers me utf-8. -----------Failed to save the document in the encoding \"WINDOWS-1251\". Likely, your document contains characters that are not compatible with \"WINDOWS-1251\". No options to offer. In the end, the text is not visible.


we passed a request to the developers. edit while the files on your computer and after upload on server


Question: And so in all the documents when you make changes in designer, General designer. Photos, highlighting, and so on.
Question: I`m doing =))))))))))))))) I edit on the computer, but the system does not allow me to fill in

so you have files encoded in utf8 and you download s n site 1251

Question: Before everything was OK. I have the same files. Why, then, when you add a tag change encoding? When adding photos to a file?

when adding тега7 what you add it? where I edit the file?

Question: Highlight key words I add tag blah. Edit the file as usual in Mic Word. Do it as fifty pages earlier, before this problem started a couple days ago, for some reason =(

the server is unable in any way to change anything in the already uploaded files. this principle the impossible. Open your file in regular Notepad and save it to a proper encoding before sending it to the server.

Question: Thank you. I`ll try it.

 Mic Word is very far from ideal web editor, it does not up for the job. download better adobe dreamvawer

Question: Web editor of the figs with him, I tried to edit in Notepad and in word, deleted the file on the website, reopened in win 1251заливала, and he told me it again changes = (((((((( to utf8 writes that is not compatible with 1251 =(((((((
Question: I downloaded the editor, thank you, but what to press and where to turn, so the files were saved and visible =((((

of course utf8 is incompatible with 1251 , it`s a totally different encoding.

who do you replace? server anything can not replace.  in Notepad you need to edit and transcode

Question: remain stopped IMMEDIATELY AFTER the site redesign
Question: So, it seems to me that the changes on the server was? Once the WHOLE design has changed

the server the problem has nothing to do. the server cannot change the coding of the website. , if you problem occurred after the redesign, then you have already uploaded the files in wrong encoding. no need to use to edit the sites are not intended for etoggo tools.  You are told what to do to correct coding is to recode the files tool You have - Notepad

Question: I used DESIGNED (available on the website) tools, and nothing else redaktiroval FTP sites never loaded
Question: But the site is NOT SHOWING the encoding adekvatnoj is the fault of the SERVER

the site shows what you have downloaded.  download the file in the encoding specified in the page properties.

Question: Page http://kot-bez-zabot.ru/ encoded in UTF-8 if YOUR file editor (in the tools on your website), opens, sees, save the page in UTF-8. But browser it does not reproduce adequately.

the browser it  displays as specified in the page properties. Ukazat in svojstvah page this encoding and the browser will correctly show it.

Question: All, problem solved, thanks!
Question: All, problem solved, thanks!
Question: All, problem solved, thanks!


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