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Question: Hello.Tell me how I can upload the database, bypassing a limit of 50Mb? My weigh 66Мб, want to import into barsik2_2016 but it is not pumped into reality because of the size...Yet to inject it in the public_html/2016 name barsik2_new14.sqlЕе there to import into the database barsik2_2016 ?Double hang test site on a subdomain http://2016.syasnews.ru/ want to try obnoviti to Joomla 3.4

Hello. the base in which you hotjet to import is empty now?

Question: Yeah, I tried to pour a table in the database barsik2_2016 but got an alert that more than 50Mb impossible to inject. We must base the old site barsik2_new14.sql to pour into barsik2_2016я put her in public-HTML.2016 folder..You could help with vkachivanie base?

import manufactured

Question: Thank you very much, take site works


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