Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello,Please can you disable the query which is sent to the users who want to log in Wordpress? You out there is always admin and the password boss. Users confused.


It is protection against hacking bots. You want your website hacked?

Question: We don`t want our site got hacked. But and here it? Our users are experiencing the problem in this regard. What do you suggest we do?

Hello. no, it protects your site from brute force


Question: Then you can at least change these words for us and make them like login : arpa, password : arpa ? So somehow he came up on us. And that turns out as something not serious. Some boss and admin for regular users of the site.


no, you can`t . this is a server-wide protection. each new user registered on your website sent the email with the registration. you can specify to send the emails


Question: Great support. No you can`t. No you can not. What have you to offer in this regard?

you on the website will be sent an email with registration. you can specify to send the emails

Question: Specify in the letters that major financial services company, uses credencial boss admin and to protect against \"attacks\"? This is seriously how you think?

for the serious finansovoi company we are able to offer a serious option - your personal vps server. setup and transfer we carried out


or transfer to another our hosting server in the USA

Question: And that VPS will not appear this admin and boss? Or and there he will be accompanied by our users? :)

on the vps you will have nothing to receive, it will be your personal personal server.

Question: Then I`ll have a word with the boss and let me tell you. :)

good. waiting for your reply

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