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Question: good waterhow connect mail ru mail for business need to configure the MX record here Takima subdomain: @record Type: Mcdanie: emx.mail.EN.Priority: 10

Hello. DNS changed

Question: be kind another time odinakovy set up DNS records to work DKIMИмя subdomain: Google._domainkeyТип record: Drdanny: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiqkbgqduprdlzy6e9yhj3qtd34w//UZGHE8j6dR7SHQcAXs5P+Ll0c5qCwW0WA6uzt5fULpNqIxEZzr/kkomr5B5tPEvJ86tq/jVYkQOugdkLgyulVbJANpZ3PlCKTAvANzqb12xysl2qwaoswbzbloznhyokq/5C9qKBzq/LAnVdwquwQIDAQAB
Question: to send emails you use your own SMTP server (for example, sending emails from the site), you need to create the SPF record with value \"v=spf1 ip4:a mx WASHES include:_spf.mail.ru ~all\" (in quotation marks!) *.* Instead WASTE you must specify the actual IP address of your server.

record added

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