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Question: Please roll back the database, and there http://www.boutique-in-perm.ru/ DB garik133_wp928

Hello. please clear database

Question: Not to clean

why not? go into phpmyadmin and clear database

Question: From where I know why, but she doesn`t want to be cleaned

base vosstanovlena from backup

Question: That is now with another saytik, http://mudrov.info/wp-admin/maint/repair.php?referrer=is_blog_installed we Need to roll back the site itself

Hello. what did you do with atitm website?

Question: I don`t know , not what we need to restore that with this problems then or what

what with him prolblem? please remove the extra indexnow page from the old hosting. you have at mudrov.info open plug jino

Question: Removed, but not in her case, roll back the database and the website itself and all of the night broke

we pridana see the plug jino / specify what you removed?

Question: index PHP

why are you bothering index.php ? this is the main file of the site. do not touch it.

what did you do with the site ? he has all the files changed today

Question: Did it myself, replaced all one figs does not work, database is normal, the config tag attached to it normally and not working

your base is completely empty.

Question: Where has it gone What to do

have you updated your website? after what actions the problem occurred?

Question: With exchange links received a letter that something is wrong and looked and then it`s possible deleted accidentally while the database solved the problem described in this ticket but this is far from the base so could not delete it by accident I guess and then all crashed out in repairing

please Check now.

Question: Thank you


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