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Question: Hello,Suddenly missing forum link:http://www.forum.u4ebagermania.EN/index.brskajte, please. What could be the reason? Worked yesterday.Thank you!

Zdravstvuite. what changes were made on the website? what base works forum?

Question: the change was not made. yesterday night everything worked fine and today it stopped working. what kind of base it works I can not say, because do not quite understand what you mean Eugene.

YMI mean the name of the database which runs the forum that would be able to restore it.

You avaialble admin? try to change forum topic

Question: no. in admin area cannot get. I`ll try to fill the forum from backup.
Question: did not help! very strange!

save all files before doing this

Question: database most likely mysqlСЃ other databases we do not work

we have all the bases mysql , other database servers we have. interested in the base name. you know how it`s called? first try to restore the files

Question: no, the database name do not know. with a programmer, which it did not. maybe you still have copies of the databases on our website? there is a database dle_files can try to restore?

you have n restored file?


Question: no
Question: the database is called vdrssd_forum

please wait.

Question: thank you

please Check now.

problem was described here

http://kozma.com.ua/obshhaya-oshibka-could-not-get-style-data.html it was just the right 755 on the folder cashe and clearing the folder

Question: Wow, thank you very much Eugene. If only because of the high quality of support will not change the hosting. Nice working with You!

thank you for contacting the technical support

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