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Question: Hello. 3 days ago we accidentally deleted the files-the images from the folder /public_html/sites/default/files. Is there a possibility to get them back? no matter how old - a week, a month, six months.

Hello. the request is sent to the administrator


folder /home/igor33/public_html/sites/default/files restored from backup

Question: but in folder public_html/sites/default/files appeared files. them just moved there? how many backup?

we`ve restored the folder /home/igor33/public_html/sites/default/files/

Question: I understand, but 1000 deleted files in it has not appeared. you may have restored the number when they have already been removed. maybe we should not have been deleted 3 days ago, and 4-5. in the folder home/igor33/public_html/sites/default/files/ should be a lot of images, subfolders are not interested. it directly in the folder files/*.*

wait, so you deleted the file almost a week ago? unfortunately the backup of this old we have. backups are done for the weekend. another backup we have no

Question: Yes, it turns out the files were removed on Wednesday last week

then files no backup was done 12-13 number

Question: maybe it can somehow still get by using some sort of utility to restore deleted files? if possible tell me how much it will cost.

 unfortunately this is not

if you encounter problems please contact as soon as possible. no need to wait for a few days


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