Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Hello.Could you enable caching of static on 7 days on the website pornosexyss.ru .Thanks in advance.


the Question referred to the administrator, wait for amp.

Question: If no trouble, please ask us to enable IONcube loader for the same site.Thanks again )

Hello . IONcube loader  enabled by default. specify what problem you encountered.

Question: But shows me that is off the extension.You can see for yourself http://www.pornosexyss.ru/checkconfserv.php

scariet what content will be on сайте7

Question: You can enable this extension, and caching static or do you currently admin is not there?The extension will be used to confirm the license for one of the new plugins for the site.

we have already included. please kindly carefully monitor the content of the site. prohibited content results in removal of the server. always check the content to be displayed on the website

Question: Nothing is forbidden on the site no. Work with teaser networks, where these are carefully watched.Extension see included, but with no caching. I don`t really understand this, maybe I`m wrong wrote you.See https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=pornosexyss.ru I need to fix this \"Use browser cache\". Just know that it has something configured on the server.The previous hosting technical support included.

the request is sent to the administrator.

in addition to networking, you are required personally to check it out.

Question: \"the request is sent to the administrator\"it has been 10 hours, maybe it is time to include )

caching is enabled.

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