Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Good day! Yesterday I updated the forum (1snabport.org/phpBB3-ru/), and eventually stopped working website http://yarnkobrin.by/. Can`t understand what did I do wrong?! Tell me, pliz!

Hello. the problem is not with your updates

the problem svanasana burglary site. you have sent the notification

reason of hacking is an outdated engine


at the root of the website audit report AI-BOLIT-REPORT-_gigsan_public_html_yarnkobrin_by-871034-04-01-2016_20-06.html

Question: I can`t even log in http://yarnkobrin.by/administrator. And what do I do now?! It can help, but I`m not a qualified expert! Or me the link to that office to address pay!?

we have opened for You access for Your ip/ if You are not able to restore the site then you can try to restore the files from backup, although it will be immediately infected. we recommend you to seek help. to the experts on this issue. in the report there is a link to their website https://www.revisium.com

Question: Thank you, already addressed. Unable to close until access. And how will open will report later!

open access only for your ip/ notify if you need to restore a folder from backup, have a backup a few weeks ago, perhaps it is not jailbroken

Question: Open access here:

RTCs, otkryt

Question: All updated! Like no viruses, checked here: https://www.virustotal.com/ru/url/1ece6a3b41d4e35b7bae3e5f1f17d9196411d977516aabd5b1d621fd2789436c/analysis/1452024503/Можете it is a site for all!?

we now started checking aibolit



Question: No virus I understand but scripts \"can be\", but \"can not be\". And then there is an alternative source to check?! Or You open my website to the first problem?!

we have already opened the website

Question: OK. thank you!


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