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Question: Hello.Is it possible for one set WordPress to manage two sites?For example installed WordPress on site1.and I need it to site2.in.ioba domain you have already registered and working.

Hello. wordpress is dielc website. sites are made on the engine and not the engine on the websites. therefore, it is not clear what you mean by \"manage two wordpress websites.\" it you can two website to install wordpress and the sites you have on your wordpress

Question: Well, downloaded the installation WordpressЗапустил at /wp-admin/instal.rrnagene to enter the username, password is wowi the name of the database here is not clear to me what to write.The database server localhostПрефикс tables - wp_766

the DB Name and user to it you can see in spanel in section MySQL Database. You have created the database and user to it?

Question: there is a user and one database from the first site.you need to create another database and new user?

required. every site should be only a base and no incey each site create your database


Yes, absolutely. To associate a user with the database.

Question: Thank you.All hooked up!It works!
Answer: Since the issue has been resolved, we are closing this ticket. In case, in Your opinion, an unsatisfactory answer, You can always create a new one or reopen this ticket with my answer.

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