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Question: Privet ! Ktota zahodjit v moju adminku i izmenjaet cPanel nastroiki. Takzhe njebilo online access k svojemu ljichnomu kabinjetu, no eta chat cherez uladjilji. Shas njemogu zaitji v cPanel. Shto posovetuitje dlja reshenjia etai probljemi ?

Hello. what kind of settings is it? you changed your passwords?


Question: Privet ! Ja njemog zaitji v ljichnij kabinjet, no eta reshilji. Shas njemogu zaitji v cPanel
Question: menjal

where changed? in the panel or in the Cabinet? if you change only one password from the account you can log-Yong, the password will need to entered manually. it two password. you have one in billing and one in paniai

through your personal account you can log in only if both match.

Question: Ponjal ! Ja zashol. Poluchajetsa u menja dva parolja, i cherez billing panelj ja uzhe bjesmogu zaitji , ja Vas ponjal pravilna ilji njet ?

Yes, you understand correctly. you have two passwords . and login from your personal account panel you can only if they are equal

Question: Sposiba, razobralsa. Udachi Vam :)


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