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Question: Good evening how to share a folder for the download and instructions on hosting.I tried using* to assign rights to folders VIA http://*.****** \"***\"There is no result.Writes or http://*.******or error sakumono how to share a folder so that any user could download from the website (a large amount) on a specific link?an example of the direct download link:http://*.*.*.**%***%**%***-****(**.**)%**(*).*

Hello. link http://www.tsz.com.ua/application/files/attach/%D*%*F%D*%*E%**Hikvision/iVMS-****(v*.**)%**(*).exe rabotaet. utochnyat in which the problem occurred.


* * * banned. never use.

in what folder caique files you downloaded? The concept of \"share\"  here is not available. folders are available. Just get  correct download URL.

and law *** move


Question: For example: There is an archive *-****(**.*.*.*).*nah. at adresu:ftp://***.**.**.***/public_ftp/nastroika%**Detector%**dvizheniya.pdfftp://%***@***.**.**.***/*.*.*-****(**.*.*.*).*Download link should look like this: http://*.*.*.*-****(**.*.*.*).*But it does not work(((here is the message:*-****(**.*.*.*).*.* *** *handle*.How to make so that it was possible to download files from hosting.

upload the file to the folder of the site. public_ftp Yong never use

Question: THANK you. WORKS


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