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Question: Good afternoon.Installed Wordpress via cPanel in softaculous apps installer tab.Does not go to the admin panel, even after reinstalling. Displays a \"broken\" website, despite the fact that I chose a theme when you install.What could be the problem?Thanks in advance for the answer.


Previously, podobnych problems didn`t happen.

we Can offer, we can recreate Your account, i.e. to delete and create a new one, so it was all from scratch, then You can try to repeat the installation, 

Question: let`s try, just did that yesterday tech support..well, let`s personagem, but we`ll see.If the problem persists - can I have a ticket to unsubscribe you ?

in the same ticket and need pisati if the same topic :)


in the same ticket and need pisati if the same topic :)

Account is recreated.

Question: good)make the reset, please


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