Possible solutions of your questions

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Question: Connect, please the website Builder. And I can not understand how to do it yourself.

Hello . On the server You available the auto-installer CMS

you can set top sites on joomla, wordpress

here is an example of how to do it


Question: I want one, as shown in the Demo builder.mahhy.ru/. I was connected to another domain like this. There rate I have to pay?

you have on that account there are websites? this server does not have a constructor. if you have no sites then we`ll create You an account on the server with the constructor

Question: I just had some backup with this designer. If possible, create an account on the server with the constructor. Thank you.

you will need to change the DNS.

Question: Well

we will notify you of the new figures

Question: I`ll be waiting. Thank you.

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